Jun 18, 2008, 04:42 AM // 04:42
Pre-Searing Cadet
Join Date: Mar 2008
Guild: The Tyrian Crusaders
Profession: D/
Drifters Sanctum [KoBD] Seeking Members And Kurizck Allys - Title Hunting & Farming
Drifters Sanctum [KoBD]
Drifter's Sanctum [KoBD] is Kurzick guild dedicated to title hunting. The guild is composed by close friends, who enjoy Alliance Battles(AB), Hero Fast Faction Farming (HFFF), Underworld (UW), Cathedral of Flames (CoF) runs and much other fun activities in Guild Wars. We are very laid back and only ask members to watch their language, respect members, get along, don't cause drama, and most importantly to have fun! This is just a game! Have fun playing it!
What we offer:- Normal Mode & Hard Mode Missions
- Vanquishing
- Title Hunting (Which includes the above)
- Farming - UW, FoW, CoF, Greens, Rep Points etc
- Ventrilo Server
- Forums
- Most of our players are in (-4 GMT) and some (+ GMT)
- We have 50+ Members, with helpful officers
What we looking for in a member and requirements:- Active (Both in forums and in game)
- Mature (16+ yrs old)
- Social (Chatty in both Guild Chat and Alliance Chat)
- Helpful (Be kind to others)
- Experienced (At least have HM unlocked in 1 campaign
If you wish to be a member, either PM on the forums or fill out a form HERE. You don't have to register to fill out a form.
If you are looking to join our Alliance please read ahead.
What we are looking from the guild - Activeness
- At least 30+ Members
- Share the same interest (Title Hunting & Farming)
- Mature (16+ yrs old members, exceptions are allowed =D)
To join us pelase send me a PM on the forums, is the best way to get a hold of me. In the PM please send you guild information and any extra details you wish to add.